What is the advantage of using the elml.uzh.ch content repository?
If you choose to use our content repository here's how: Besides the "core" and "elml" project within your Eclipse workspace you will need a new project folder containing all your project specific stuff (content, layout templates, config files etc.). It will be named after your project and can be stored and checked out from the CVSCVS server elml.uzh.ch. Contact the administrator of the eLML content server (via elml@id.uzh.ch) for a new repository (YOURPROJECT) an account and access to the server (YOURUSERNAME).
Eclipse: CVS checkout from content server using extssh.
You will have to send the administrator your public ssh key (What is a key? Tell me more!) and he will send you back a username. Dont start below before you haven't got your username!
If you got your projects cvs repository (YOURPROJECT) and your username (YOURUSERNAME) for the content repository server, here is how you can checkout e.g. the GITTA project folder:
and the Eclipse "Project wizard" will open. Here choose General:Project and click "Next". You can enter the name of your project (gitta, cartouche, pto, efeed etc.) in the next window and click "Finish". File:New:Project...
and the Eclipse "Project wizard" will open again. This time open or double click "CVS" and choose the option "Projects from CVS" that will become available. Double click it to create a new CVS project. elml.uzh.ch
* What if the list does not appear? Restart Eclipse. Still nothing? In this case Eclipse didn't recognize your ssh-key. Please make sure that within the Eclipse settings the correct path AND name of your private key is set and maybe restart Eclipse. Read more...
Eclipse screenshot: Example of 'package explorer' view
Now you can start working with eLML as described in the eLML user manual. You Eclipse workspace should now look like the picture to your right (instead of "Alpecole" there will be a folder with your project name). Please read the paragraph about displaying empty folders in Eclipse if you installed your content repository and nothing is displayed.
WARNING: This is a tricky one and if anyone knows a simpler method to include a new lesson, please let us know! The main problem is Eclipse only allows to add new modules (=eLML lessons) into a CVS repository if they are a single Eclipse project. But since we are not using one project per lesson (a lesson is in cvs terms called "module"), we cannot directly add new lessons to the repository and have to do a workaround as described below:
and the Eclipse "Project wizard" will open. Here choose General:Project and click "Next". You can enter the label name of your lesson in the next window and click "Finish". File:New:XML File
. Please remember to name the XML file like this: lessonlabel.xml
where lessonlabel stands for the actual label of your lesson.Team:Share Project...
If you're a command line geek you can add a new lesson to the repository with the command:
cvs -d :ext:YOURUSERNAME@elml.uzh.ch:/usr/local/var/lib/cvs/YOURPROJECT import -m "Some comment" lessonlabel vendor tag start
Please note that our content server elml.uzh.ch only accepts key authentication. If you plan to use the eLML content server read this chapter carefully. You can skip it if you are already familiar with key authentication.
For authentication purposes usually a password is used. This is not very secure since passwords can be hacked while transmitted from your computer to the server. Therefore using keys is a more secure solution. The way it works is that you generate a key pair with a public and a private key that match each other. The private key always (!) remains on your computer. The public key is distributed to the servers where you would like to have access. As soon as you login on that server using your username, the server knows the public key that belongs to that username. The server then sends the public key to your computer to check if it matches your private key. If they match, you get access. This way no passwords or sensitive data is transmitted since the private key always remains on your computer (and the private key should also be password protected itself!).
chmod 700 YOURKEY
within the .ssh directory. cp ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub ~/id_dsa.pub
(now your public key named "id_dsa.pub" should be visible within your home directory).The next step can be omitted if you've just installed Eclipse. The default settings should then still apply but feel free to check it:
Sourceforge offers both password and key authentication. If you generated your key as described above and prefer to work with keys instead of entering your password, you have to upload your public key to Sourceforge. Within your Account Options on the Sourceforge website you will find a link to add and edit SSH Keys for your account. Please refer to the Sourceforge Documentation for more information.